Friday, May 29, 2020

Does NAO offer diploma or degree programs?

National Academy of Osteopathy (NAO) is a private Canadian college of osteopathy, with a campus at York University Heights. NAO is not registered as a university and it does not offer any degree programs. NAO only offers diploma and certificate programs in the field of manual osteopathy. None of NAO programs lead to any degrees in osteopathy. NAO programs are not part of any degree programs. 

NAO president, manual osteopath, Dr Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD is founder of three universities (National University of Medical Sciences) in USA, Spain and Panama (the one in Panama is not yet operational). NAO is not affiliated with these universities. NAO and these three universities are registered independently of each other in different countries. NAO is operational since 2010. NUMSS (Spain) since 2012. NUMSS (USA) since 2016 and NUMSS (Panama) was registered in 2018 but it is not yet operational. 

Being a student of NAO will not offer an easier way to enrol in any programs offered by these universities. NAO alumni who are interested in applying to any of the degree programs offered by these universities must contact them directly and fulfill their admission requirements. NAO has no information on the degree programs offered by these universities and these universities do not operate at NAO campus in Toronto. The practical technique classes of these universities are located in Panama. 

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